Euhzine 3 - January 2024
Proving the benefits of our EUHOFA International network, the January issue of Euhzine includes both a big interview with Karin Schächtele and Khem Raj Lakai about their mutual experiences with the exchange programme between their schools, Hotel Management School Thun (Switzerland) and GATE College (Nepal), and another article about the cooperation between Mount Kenya University (Kenya) and University of Tartu Pärnu College (Estonia). Other topics in this issue are: the upcoming 61st EUHOFA Congress in Bad Gleichenberg (April 2024), the Dutch Cuisine revolution, the new Bachelor's degree Gastronomic Business Management at Universidad Panamericana, School of Hospitality ESDAI, an introduction to the Tourism Training Institute Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), and 'Every day is a school day: the power of learning how to make a Mutton Biryani'.
Enjoy the new 24-page issue of EUHOFA International's interactive magazine!