EUHOFA Welcomes New Members
The EUHOFA Board is pleased to welcome three new members from two continents! United States International University - Africa (USIU), Nairobi, Kenya
EUHOFA International representative: Ms. Mary Mutisya, Head of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Webside: W
Escuela de Negocios de Los Andes - Universidad de Los Andes (UNANDES), La Paz, Bolivia
EUHOFA International representative: Mr. Lelis Rolando Iglesias Chavéz, Director and Technical Consultant Gastronomy and Hotel Management
Catering & Tourism Training Center (CTTC), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
EUHOFA International representative: Mr. Yetaseb Seyoum, Deputy General Director.
The Board hopes to welcome the new member school delegates and representatives at the upcoming General Assembly and the new EUHOFA congress in Bad Gleichenberg.
